The following questions were printed on cards which were part of a PDP-11 Fifteenth Anniversary game handed out at a DECUS symposium in 1985. The questions (a couple of which were contributed by myself) were collected from many sources.

The 50 cards for the game came in a perforated sheet which had to be separated before play. The back of each card looked like an 8 inch floppy (in DEC parlance, an RX01 or RX02 diskette). The game pieces looked like BA23s which fitted into colored bases and were moved around a playing board.

There were 5 categories of questions including PDP-11 hardware, PDP-11 software and Digital history. Each card had five real questions in the appropriate categories. The sixth question actually gave the player the opportunity to select a question from one of the other five categories.

In numbering the questions, I use x-y-z, where x is the column (0-9) and y is the row (0-4) of the card on the unseparated sheet, and z is the question number (1-5). Oh yes, 0-0-x is the upper leftmost card, and 9-4-x is the lower rightmost card. (And yes, I am a programmer... which is why I based the indices at zero. :-)

Now, for the questions... Remember, some of them are VERY dated...

[Last Updated 24-Feb-2002]