A Phoenix?

Well, perhaps that's a bit of a reach, but the analogy probably can't be denied too strongly.

Yes, this site has been quiet for a while.  My apologies to all those who've been loyal visitors, and my thanks to all those who've exhibited the patience to hang around.   My life has been in quite a turmoil in the past few months -- I won't begin to bore you with the details (if you want, you can probably find plenty of references in the mail list archives).  But now, I'm pulling together the work I've done over the past few months, integrating it, fixing things, and leveraging the assistance of a few select folks who cared enough to truly help.

So, here's the new site.  It's still a work in progress, mind you.  I'm sure you'll find plenty of broken links, but we're working on them, little by little.  The new site is organized differently than the old one.  One of the first things most folks will notice is that this site is no longer frame-based.  I was dismayed with the level of effort necessary to keep the frames in synch, to ensure that links to sites didn't result in others' pages getting stuck inside my frameset, or that my pages didn't result in new windows popping up all over the place.  Rather than continue to put work into maintaining an artificial structure, I just ripped it out so I could focus on content.  Unfortunately, that's resulted in a few pages on this site creating new windows when you least expect it, but those will be corrected over time, too.

I'm pleased to report the mail list archive is back online and functioning.   Currently, some aspects of it are still manual (from the creation perspective), but the addition of new articles, indexing, and formatting is all done automatically again.   I've got more historical information I've got to add into the archive, but I assure you, I'll make the archive as complete as possible.

Along with that, I'll also be introducing a search engine that will be able to look through the archives, plus search the other pertinent files on this site.

So, hang in there a bit longer, but for now, enjoy the new site.  Look around and those familiar with the old site will see a lot that's familiar.  I'm sure you'll find broken items -- feel free to let me know where they are.  I can't guarantee I'll fix them immediately, but they will go into a list of things to be done.

Most of all, I'd like to thank all the folks who've made this site a success, even in the face of the final phase of a product life cycle.  I'm amazed at how many folks continue to port software or even write new software for the Alpha -- the file archive is swelling with dozens of new programs and even more updates of old ones. I'm pleased to see that the mail list has shrunk by less than 10% since the dark days of last August. That is a testament to you, loyal readers.

In return for your loyalty, here's a new home for The AlphaNT Source.  Alpha NT is not dead.

Aaron Sakovich