Where's my VB/VC?

Even with Microsoft's recent press release announcing the availability of VB and VC++ 6.0 for the Alpha platform (and prime placement on their vstudio page!), there are still a lot of grumblings from people regarding the availability (or perceived lack thereof) of these applications.

It's time for the truth about these programs

Alpha-Platform Editions of Microsoft Visual Basic(r) (Enterprise Edition) 6.0 and Visual C++(r) (Professional Edition) 6.0, both with Service Pack 1 updates, are now available from Microsoft worldwide. (I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all those Intel users out there for debugging the two products so that we could get ours with Service Pack 1 already applied -- Aaron.)

Details regarding the release of these tools can be found at:

http://www.microsoft.com/presspass/press/ 1998/Dec98/VBVC&CompaqPR.htm

People authorized to get updates can obtain them through either of these methods:

Developers who have purchased other Visual Studio 6.0 products who do not qualify as stated above are requested to send a message to mailto:visual.tools@compaq.com and include the following information:

Now, go out there, get your compilers, and start writing code!