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Supreme Commander Universe


Press Release

23:00 22 June 2005 by El_Castro
Subject: goes live

The team at, under the direction of Mark “Nexus” Warner, of Nexus Entertainment, would like to announce that as of June 21 GMT, was put online. It is believed to be the first SUPCOM fansite up, preceding even the official website.

Recent interest has been stirred by leaked previews of PC Gamer's upcoming article on the game for their August 2005 issue, as well as the official news release from THQ, and this has served as the trigger for the launching of the site., while still quite small at this point in time, is currently being presented as a “sister site” to NexusEntertainment's FileUniverse and TAUniverse, however, the long-term plans are that the site should grow to become a fully independent “super-site” for the game, and something of a hub for Supreme Commander fans, as has been the case with for years with TA.

Currently the site is run by Mr Warner and his volunteer staff, and they would like to stress their intentions to promote the game under its own title, with the GPG name. We intend for any association with Total Annihilation to be no more than a point of interest, and we are fully aware that Supreme Commander is not TA2. congratulates the GPG team on its progress, and welcomes any and all new information and material on the upcoming game.


Concept Art

Previews of what may come to be in game

SupCom Cover    


General game screenshots

E3-14    E3-13    E3-12    E3-11    E3-10    
E3-9    E3-8    E3-7    E3-6    E3-5    
E3-4    E3-3    E3-2    E3-1    SCScreen6_20061024.jpg    
SCScreen5_20061024.jpg    SCScreen4_20061024.jpg    SCScreen3_20061024.jpg    SCScreen2_20061024.jpg    SCScreen1_20061024.jpg    
AeonGCcons    AeonConstruction2    AeonConstruction1    AeonACUTeleport    SupCom Connect    
Cybran assaults UEF 3    Cybran assaults UEF 2    Cybran assaults UEF    UEF Assaults Cybran 2    UEF Assaults Cybran    
Galactic Colossus Nuked    Red planet    Aeon vs Cybran    Cybran vs UEF battle 2    Cybran vs UEF battle    
UEF fighters over battle    Volunteers?    Fog of War    UEF fighters with Cybran land Destroyers    "     
Spiderbot meets MLF    UEF/Cybran Naval Battle    E3 Preview Shot    E3 Preview Shot    Collateral Damage    
forest2    flyover5    Incoming    flyover4    bluefighter6    
overflight4    bluefighter5    bluefighter4    tanks_2    tank_1    
outpost    tank infantry carnage    SupComU Exclusive Screenshot #4    SupComU Exclusive Screenshot #3 Screenshot 6 Screenshot 5 Screenshot 4 Screenshot 3 Screenshot 2 Screenshot 1    
Mechs and Tanks    Sinking ships    Flyover    UEF Bomber Wing 2    UEF Bomber Wing 1    
Small UEF outpost    Cybran attacks UEF    Cybran attacks UEF artillery    Cybran troops and Aeon tanks    Cybran fighter attacks UEF ground    
Aeon tanks vs Cybran troops    Cybran vs UEF    Cybran vs Aeon    Cybran Lasers    Aeon vs Cybran dogfight    
Aeon planes fly over Cybran ships    Aeon planes attack Cybran ships    Aeon planes over Cybran ships    IGN news screen    Cybran Assault UEF Base    
Atlantis With Sub Guards    Cybran-UEF Air-Sea battle    Cybran fighters hit UEF cruiser... again!    sc6    sc5    
sc4    sc3    sc2    sc1    Cybran combined assault on UEF    
UEF river crossing    UEF transport explodes    UEF tanks on Mars    UEF tanks on glacier    UEF fleet meets Aeon fleet    
UEF deploy tanks2    UEF deploy tanks    UEF beach landing    Terrain: Glacial    Terrain: Martian    
Terrain: Green    Retaliation    Nuke at Sea    Isthmus Nuke    Yellow Submarine    
UEF and Cybran armies    Cybran UEF tanks skirmish    Cybran plane attacks UEF ship    Destroyers and Planes    Cybran Aeon Tanks Fight    
Cybran swarm    3 Monkeylords    2 Monkeylords2    2 Monkeylords    1 Monkeylord2    
end game    retaliation    Battlegroup    Strategic view    Aracnaphobia    


Official and fan made wallpapers and other things

Wallpaper UEF Aeon Cybran 1024    Wallpaper UEF Aeon Cybran    Official Wallpaper - Poster    Official Wallpaper - 1600x1200    Official Wallpaper - 1024x768    

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