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renaming BACKUP savesets (already) on tape?

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The Question is:

How can I change the name of a save set on a tape after backing up multiple
save sets with the wrong names.

The Answer is :

  Tapes are not random-access devices, and operations such as renames are not
  generally permissible.  To change the rename (in a supported fashion) will
  involve rewriting part of (or all of) the data on the tape.
  You can read the savesets -- even with duplicate saveset names -- using the
  tape's current position and the ddcu:/save notation on BACKUP.  Default the
  BACKUP saveset name and extension, in other words.  You can use SET MAGTAPE
  or other BACKUP commands to skip to the correct position on the tape.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-AUG-1998 )

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