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SYS$SYSROOT translations?

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The Question is:

I have noticed that the definition of the SYS$SYSROOT logical
involves the *translation* of the SYS$SPECIFIC logical and the
*name* of the SYS$COMMON logical.  The result is that items
appearing in the SYS$COMMON tree appear in a directory listed
SYS$COMMON:[xxxxx] while anything in the SYS$SPECIFIC directories
appears as SYS$SYSROOT:[xxxxx] rather than SYS$SPECIFIC:[xxxxx].
My question is whether it would be feasible to involve the *names*
of both the SYS$SPECIFIC & SYS$COMMON logicals in the definition
of the SYS$SYSROOT logical.  Is there any reason not to do this?
Thank you!
--Bryan Webb

The Answer is :

  Feasible or not, modifications to these logical names are neither
  documented nor supported, and any modifications could potentially
  have "interesting" implications or unintended effects.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-AUG-1998 )

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