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UCX TCP socket non-blocking mode? (take II)

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The Question is:

If I may followup on #218: UCX non-blocking sockets. I am unable to find
a ref for set_socket_non_blocking(). The socket guide
refers to setsockopt() but nothing there refers to non-blocking
We tried select() to get around blocking on accept() but neither our program
UCX$UPD_SERVER_IPC.C compiles. The socket guide and the example
program specify args that are pointers to int but the compiler
references incompatiblity with "struct fd_set" which we are not able to find
in the .h files or documentation. We would prefer the c interface
rather than QIO if it is possible. Is there other docs that would help.
Thanks in advance.
David Brotherston

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center for assistance with the
  (unspecified) incompatibilities with the fd_set structure in the
  header files.  Error message(s) and/or source code may be required.
  Also consider using the ioctl call to perform this task.  For an
  example, please see UCX$IOCTL_ROUTINE.C, or please see:
    // ioctl to set socket non-blocking I/O
    request = FIONBIO;
    if ((argp = (char*)malloc(sizeof (FIONBIO))) == NULL)
    *(int*)argp = 1;
    if (ioctl(s, request, argp) == -1)
  There was a change to sys$share:ucx$rpcxdr.h to resolve an apparent
  problem with fd_set: see svc_fdset.

answer written or last revised on ( 31-AUG-1998 )

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