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reinstall language after upgrade? (BASIC)

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The Question is:

I will be upgradeing our alpha 1000a from
VMS 6.2-1h3 to 7.1.
Do I need to reinstall Basic after the upgrade ?
We have Basic v1.2

The Answer is :

  In general, no -- some layered product kits do encourage a reinstallation
  after an OpenVMS upgrade, so that the latest definitions can be extracted
  from the system libraries and converted into a language-specific format.
  And BASIC is one of those languages, as it recreates BASIC$STARLET based
  on the contents of the system libraries.  (BASIC also permits installing
  just the system definitions text library, to facilitate this.)
  For information on the minimum supported product version, please check
  the software rollout report:
  DECBASIC V1.3 was recently released.

answer written or last revised on ( 8-SEP-1998 )

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