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Y2K on DECwindows V1.1?

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The Question is:

	This regards Y2K, We are using DecWindows
Motif 1.1, but Y2K patch kit does not have a patch
for Motif 1.1,
1:-)Is DecWindows Motif 1.1 is Y2K complient ?
if not,
2:-) Is codes running on DecWindows Motif 1.1
  is compatible with Motif 1.2-3 (or 1.2-4), i.e.
  it will compile and run without any modification ?

The Answer is :

  If you require Y2K support that is not listed as (or planned for testing) Y2K
  ready, please upgrade to a Y2K ready version, or please perform the necessary
  testing locally, or (better) both.
  For specifics of the compatibility information among various DECwindows releases,
  please see the associated DECwindows upgrade documentation.

answer written or last revised on ( 14-SEP-1998 )

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