HP OpenVMS Systems

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Pegasus and POP3 email?

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The Question is:

I have tried to get my pop3 mailer (Pegasus)
to retrieve mail messages on our server that have
already been read.  Pegasus is set up to
retrieve previously read messages, but doesn't
get them.  Is there a setting I need to change
in VMS to enable that function?

The Answer is :

  Without knowing what POP3 server is in use on the OpenVMS host, and
  what version of it is in use, it is difficult to answer this question.
  (Further, without a local version of your particular POP3 mailer, it
  is difficult for the Wizard to duplicate this.)
  If you are using the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) package as
  your POP3 server and cannot resolve this problem with the existing
  documentation, please contact the customer support center for further
  assistance.  If you are using another vendor's TCP/IP package, please
  contact that vendor's support organization.
  There are various logical names, including UCX$POP_PURGE_RECLAIM and
  UCX$POP_LEAVE_IN_NEWMAIL (UCX V4.1 ECO8 and later), that can be of
  interest in controlling the behaviour of the UCX POP3 server.  You
  can also use UCX$POP_LOG_LEVEL to see what activities are occuring
  within the POP3 server.
  And as a suggestion available to you without calling the customer
  support center, please see if Eudora Lite (freeware) or other similar
  client package has a similar problem.

answer written or last revised on ( 17-SEP-1998 )

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