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Choosing DECwindows Motif over CDE?

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The Question is:

I am running an Oracle database on my AlphaServer
4100.  Oracle requires that I run DecWindows yet
I want to disable the CDE (Common Desktop Environment)
on the system console.  Help.  Thanks.

The Answer is :

  There are two incantations to revert to the DECwindows Motif interface,
  the first involves the options available in the login box.  The second,
  and more permanent approach, involves updating a configuration file.
  If you do not have a file sys$manager:decw$private_apps_setup.com, use
  the following commands to create one from the existing template file:
    $ set default sys$common:[sysmgr]
    $ copy decw$private_apps_setup.template decw$private_apps_setup.com
  Edit the decw$private_apps_setup.com per the comments associated with
  the decw$start_new_desktop symbol, setting the value of the symbol to
    $ decw$start_new_desktop == "false"
  For the changes to decw$private_apps_setup.com to take effect, you will
  need to restart DECwindows.

answer written or last revised on ( 10-NOV-1998 )

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