HP OpenVMS Systems

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TCP/IP (UCX), HP printers and pasthru?

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The Question is:

I know -- another HP printer question --
but please read further as the actual question
has nothing to do with the printer, but actually
is asking how can I emulate "SET TERM/FORM/PASTHRU/PERM"
when using a VMS print queue.
I set up a serial connection to an HP printer
with FORM and PASTHRU using reverse LAT and the
name of LTA108:
I also set up a TCP/IP print queue to the
same printer using the following script and
name of LTA2501:
 $ set verify
 $ set noon
 $ !
 $ ! tcpip.faw -- sample of setting up a TCP/IP print queue
 $ !
 $ !     hint:   . to show that the HP is alive we added a TELNET command
 $ !               (type 'exit' at the ">")
 $ !
 $ define/user sys$input sys$command
 $ telnet
 $ init/queue/start/proc=ucx$telnetsym/on=""/def=(nofeed)
 $ mcr latcp create port lta2501
 $ set term/perm/form/pasthru lta2501:
 $ set device/spooled=(rdhp4,disk$disk1) lta2501
 $ assign/system lta2501: tt997:
 $ term tt997
 $ sho queu rdhp4
 $ copy tcpip.faw tt997:/lo
 $ set noverify
I have a VMS file which contains a set of
HPPCL commands.  I can $ COPY this file serially
to LTA108: and the HP receives them fine and
prints the graphic.
When I copy the same file to the same printer
using tcp/ip to lta2501: the HP receives
only fragments of the file and hence prints
How can I emulate the FORM and PASTHRU
capabilities of the terminal driver in
a TCP/IP connection?
Your assistance and help is appreciated!

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center.  Expect to be asked the
  version of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS (UCX) in use here, as well as
  if any of the ECO kits available have been applied.  (If you are not
  already using the most current UCX version and its associated ECO,
  please upgrade to it.)

answer written or last revised on ( 3-NOV-1998 )

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