HP OpenVMS Systems

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Y2K and OpenVMS VAX V7.0?

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The Question is:

What is the status of OpenVMS version 7.0 regarding Y2000 readiness? Why is
there no Y2000 readiness kit available for this?

The Answer is :

  Please see the information referenced in the OpenVMS Frequently Asked
  Questions (FAQ), as there is a section in the FAQ on Y2K.
  OpenVMS V7.0 is not available for a prior version support contract, and
  customers running the release are encouraged to upgrade to V7.1.  As
  there is no prior version support contract available for the release
  -- V7.0 is not among the OpenVMS releases known as "landing zones" --
  there was no Y2K evaluation performed and consequently there is no Y2K
  readiness kit available for the release.
  The Wizard would not expect particularly much perturbation from
  OpenVMS V7.0 to V7.1, and particularly little between V7.0 and
  V7.1 on OpenVMS VAX.

answer written or last revised on ( 19-NOV-1998 )

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