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NETTRACE access to DECnis?

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The Question is:

    Dear Wizard,
  I have trouble trying to trace DECNIS from X25 CLient. It looks so:
NETTRACE> START/LIVE decnis"usrname passwd"::<any tracepoint>
%NETTRACE-I-CONNECTING, connecting to trace collector...
%NETTRACE-E-CONFAIL, failed to connect to trace collector
%SYSTEM-F-REJECT, connect to network object rejected
  HELP/MESS REJECT says this can occur if 1.The object requested does not
exist (It exists) 2. The access control info specified is invalid (Valid)
3.The partner NSP has no resources (what resources? how to increase them?)
4.The partner task exited during the connection sequence (Why?) 5.The
task rejected the connection (Why?)
  DECNIS doesn't offer any configuration features for CTF object, besides
access control info. May be something is wrong with CTF object name?
Documentation describes it as OBJ_54, but really it has name LES$CTF.
  DECNIS provides following info about CTF object:
Node DECNIS Session Control Application LES$CTF
AT 1998-11-25-13:38:03.490+00:00I-----
    Name                              = LES$CTF
    Incoming Verification             = CHECK_PASSWORD
    Client                            = MTA
    Addresses                         =
          number=54 ,
Attribute can only be modified, not read :  User Name
Attribute can only be modified, not read :  Password
My system: DECNIS 500 (sofware V2.3), AlphaServer 2100 4/200, OVMS 6.2,
DECNet Phase IV (end node), X25 Client V1.1
    Thank you                                           Valentin Likoum.

The Answer is :

  Please contact the customer support center for assistance.

answer written or last revised on ( 3-DEC-1998 )

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