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PMDF and ALL-IN-1 mail incompatibility?

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The Question is:

I have a problem being reported in PMDF which is originating
from the ALL-IN-1 MR. Whenever PMDF-MR attempts to send messages
to ALLIN1 MR, the following messages keep coming up.
18-DEC-1998  07:17:36: Unexpected error in message submission. -- cannot
post me
ssage - MR system interface (internal) error
%PAS-F-HALT, HALT procedure called
%TRACE-F-TRACEBACK, symbolic stack dump follows
module name     routine name                     line       rel PC    abs PC
MR_MASTER       TRY_SOMETHING                   11168      00000095
MR_MASTER       DOSUBMIT                        11296      000009AA
MR_MASTER       MR_MASTER                       11330      00000034
I have tried all sorts of things on PMDF and I have inquired
from experts at INNOSOFT and they have all attributed it to
ALLIN1 MR. Please, help me sort out this problem.
Kind regards,

The Answer is :

  Please ask the folks from Innosoft to contact the customer support
  center to help resolve this issue -- without both Compaq and Innosoft
  working together on this, this problem would appear to be one that
  would be rather difficult for either side to resolve in isolation.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-DEC-1998 )

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