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DECwindows PCI graphics card drivers? Support?

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The Question is:

How do I get an AlphaStation 200 4/233 to
recognize an S3d ViRGE DX PCI graphics card.
I am running VMS V.7.1 and firmware 6.2-2.
How do I load the drivers and initialize
Dec Windows?

The Answer is :

  You could write a device driver for it.
  Otherwise, consider using a ZLXp-E1, -E2, or -E3, or a PowerStorm
  3D30 graphics controller, or one of the other graphics controllers
  supported by the OpenVMS operating system.
  Loading and configuring DECwindows is covered in the DECwindows
  product documentation.  After installing the DECwindows software,
  the core requirement involves setting the WINDOW_SYSTEM parameter
  in MODPARAMS.DAT, and then running AUTOGEN.

answer written or last revised on ( 26-MAR-1999 )

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