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DECnet and FDDI Ring Purger state?

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The Question is:

1) How do I enable/disable the ring purger with
DECnet Plus?
2) How do I determine if the ring purger is
active on a system running DECnet Plus?

The Answer is :

  Using the SDA command SHOW LAN/FULL, the state of the FDDI ring purger
  can be determined.
  The link state codes are:
    0 = OFF_INIT
    1 = OFF_READY
    2 = OFF_FAULT_R
    3 = ON_RING_INIT
    4 = ON_RING_RUN
    5 = BROKEN
  The ring purger state codes are:
    3 = PURGER
    0 = OFF
    2 = NON_PURGER
  In DECnet Phase IV, use the NCP command:
    set line mfa-0 ring purger enable off
  In DECnet-Plus, use the following NCL command:
    set FDDI Station fddi-1 Link 1 Ring Purger Enable false

answer written or last revised on ( 26-APR-1999 )

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