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DECterm menu customization?

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The Question is:

On DECwindows Motif (1.1) what is the exact syntax of a resource file line
that will disable the "Close" option from the push button menu (at the top
left) of a decterm window?
We can manage the File menu etc. with commands such as:
DECW$TERMINAL.*.file_menu_entry.sensitive: False
Many Thanks,

The Answer is :

  Please upgrade your DECwindows Motif version -- V1.1 is very old.
  An example of removing the menu bar entirely -- via entries in the
  resource file -- for V1.1 and similar DECwindows looks like this:
DECW$TERMINAL*file_menu*.sensitive:     false
DECW$TERMINAL*edit_menu*.sensitive:     false
DECW$TERMINAL*help_menu*.sensitive:     false
DECW$TERMINAL*print_menu*.sensitive:    false
DECW$TERMINAL*commands_menu*.sensitive: false
DECW$TERMINAL*setup_menu*.sensitive:    false
DECW$TERMINAL*decterm_mb*height:        1
DECW$TERMINAL*decterm_mb*resizeHeight:  false
DECW$TERMINAL*decterm_mb*resizeWidth:   false
  In DECwindows V1.2 there is a bug that requires resource entries to
  be located in DECW$TERMINAL.DAT file, rather than in the more expected
  Assuming the "Close" option you are refering to is above the menu bar,
  that is generated by the Window Manager and not by DECterm -- if you
  want to control this, you will want/need to control (or possibly even
  entirely disable) the Window Manager, or create your own customized
  Window Manager.
  Window Manager resources of interest may be:
! Border decorations
! Set to all for all decorations
! Set to any of the following to limit decorations:
!    maximize minimize resizeh border menu title
! Set to none for no decorations
Mwm*clientDecoration: all
! Border functions
! Set to all for all functions
! Set to any of the following to limit functions:
!    resize move minimize maximize close
! Set to none for no functions
Mwm*clientFunctions: all
  Specific examples for DECwindows Motif include:
Mwm*DECW$CLOCK*clientDecoration:        none
Mwm*sm*clientDecoration:                none

answer written or last revised on ( 24-MAY-1999 )

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