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Problems with LAT print queue?

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The Question is:

I have a 2 Alpha Cluster running VMS 6.2h3
We have created a set of queues that point to LTA on one node. The other
node also has the same LTA created. If we then issue a stop/next/queue and
then a start/queue/on=theothernode the LTA disappear on the othernode.
This seems strange any ideas why?

The Answer is :

  The two typical approaches are to set up the DECserver port to permit
  queued remote access and to configure a set of queues to print to the
  target port in parallel, or to configure a single LAT queue to the
  target port and set up all queues to send print jobs to the specified
  Check for, acquire, and apply the available ECO kits for the print
  symbiont, for the queue manager, and for LAT that might be available
  for OpenVMS Alpha V6.2-1H3.  In this case, please see ALPPRTS02_070,
  ALPQMAN03_062, ALPLAT03_062 or more recent ECOs.
  When working with LAT devices, use of the LATSYM print symbiont is
  generally recommended -- the default symbiont is PRTSMB, not LATSYM.
  See the INITIALZE/QUEUE/PROCESSOR qualifier for details.

answer written or last revised on ( 21-JUN-1999 )

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