HP OpenVMS Systems

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Upgrade to newer VAX systems?

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The Question is:

What are the physical dimensions of the VAX 4000
106A and is it still available?
I am looking to replace current clusters of :
VAX 4000-200, MicroVAX 3100-40,
VAXStation 4000-60
with clusters of e.g.
VAX 4000-106A, VAXStation 4000-96.
Need to stay with Q-bus technology for risk
reduction in s/w development.
Any thoughts?

The Answer is :

  Please contact your HP  sales representative or HP reseller.
  What VAX information is available is accessable via the AlphaServer
  website, which is itself accessable via:
  All VAX systems are going -- or have already gone -- "End Of Life".
  The VAX 4000 model 100 series (save for the VAX 4000 model 108 series
  enclosure) generally has the following physical characteristics:
    14.99cm (5.9in) H x 46.38cm (18.26in) W x 40cm (15.75in) D.
    18.4 Kg, approximate, including three disks.
  Rackmount (including shelf assembly and sliders):
    22.22cm (8.75in) H x 28.26cm (19in) W x 63.5cm (25in) D
    27.22Kg (60lb), approximate, including three disks.
  Of all of the systems listed in your current configuration, only the
  VAX 4000 model 200 permits Q-bus access.
  The VAX 4000 model 200 uses a processor module that installs directly
  in a standard Q-bus enclosure.  The VAX 4000 model 100 series includes
  an entirely seperate system enclosure including the processor, and
  supports an external expansion into a seperate Q-bus enclosure for use
  with specific Q-bus peripherals.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would also recommend using SCSI storage.
  The OpenVMS Wizard would generally recommend a mixed-architecture
  OpenVMS Cluster, and the migration of specialized Q-bus hardware to
  PCI or other buses, or migration to standard (existing) PCI hardware.
  OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha are generally quite compatible at the
  source level, and even Macro32 generally migrates easily.  (There are
  certainly cases where code has been written to specific VAX features,
  or privileged-mode code that might not be particularly easy to port.
  That said, the vast majority of OpenVMS VAX applications are directly
  source-portable to OpenVMS Alpha.)  Mixed-architecture configurations
  permit sharing source code, data files, passwords, and configuration
  information, and greatly redice what would be otherwise be the more
  tedious and error-prone portions of any code migration -- copying the
  files around.
  As a first step to migration, ensure that the OpenVMS VAX systems are
  running current OpenVMS VAX version and current layered product versions.
  This will ease migration, allowing you to determine if a problem
  (potentially) encountered during migration is specific to the new
  software environment or the new hardware environment.

answer written or last revised on ( 9-JUN-2004 )

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