HP OpenVMS Systems

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SCSI (TMSCP served) tape error logging?

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The Question is:

We have two 4108's in a Cluster.  One of the tape drives is clocking errors.
When looking at the errors from the primary node they are showing as 6, when
looking at the errors on the secondary node they are only showing as 3.  Why
is this please?

The Answer is :

  In general, error handling is performed by the node that notices the
  By "primary" and "secondary", the OpenVMS Wizard will assume this is
  a reference to the the tape server node and the tape client node.
  In the server, MKDRIVER is used to drive the tape device.  In the
  client, TUDRIVER is used -- OpenVMS tries to keep the error handling
  consistent between these two drivers, but this is not always the case.
  Please contact your hardware support organization or Compaq Customer
  Support Center for assistance.  Expect to be asked for a copy of the
  relevent contents of the system error logs (using DECevent).

answer written or last revised on ( 23-AUG-1999 )

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