HP OpenVMS Systems

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The Question is:

I need to copy data from an Alpha VMS 6.1 data volume to an Alpha VMS 7.1
data volume.  The machines have the same defined disk drive logicals.  Here
is an example of what I need to copy from Fred (VMS 6.1) to Atlvms (VMS
7.1).  Here is what i tried to no
avail from the 6.1 machine.
fred$  backup/log $5$dra4:[tsw...]*.*;* atlvms::$5$dra4:[tsw...]*.*;* here
is the error message I get
%BACKUP-F-INVDEVTYP, invalid backup device type
I also tried
fred$ backup/log $5$dra4:[tsw...]*.*;* atlvms::$5$dra4:[tsw...]
receiving the same error message
Decnet proxies have been setup on both machines.  Is it possible to use
backup to copy data from one system to identical system?  If not is there
another way to do this?

The Answer is :

  Remote BACKUP operations must be to a saveset, BACKUP does not permit
  copying from many files to many files.
  You will need to move the source and target disks to the same system
  (temporarily or permanently), or use a saveset with some intermediate
  storage (either locally or remotely) for the network transfer.

answer written or last revised on ( 7-SEP-1999 )

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