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Internet Explorer and TCP/IP FTP?

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The Question is:

Browsing VMS FTP site with Microsoft Internet Explorer
I want my users to be able to browse and retreive some files from my vax and
alpha VMS systems using Internet Explorer.  The directory listing from VMS
FTP is interpretted (or sent) incorrectly.  (I belive the problem is the FTP
'dir' command - it lists i
n a VMS format not a 'unix' one.) Can I change the VMS FTP server settings
to display a more standard unix looking directory that Internet Explorer
(and other browers) can understand.  I have UCX 4.2 ECO 2 and VMS 7.1 with
various patches (on both Alphas
and VAXes).

The Answer is :

  This is a known and unfortunate interoperability issue between two
  RFC-compliant tools making conflicting assumptions -- the Microsoft
  Internet Explorer FTP subsystem client and the OpenVMS TCP/IP Services
  FTP Server.  Options include using the Netscape browser, using WS_FTP,
  or using CGI or a generated HTML-based directory.  (The changes needed
  to comply with the Microsoft FTP subsystem expectations are non-trivial
  and would require roughly a year of engineering and implentation effort.)

answer written or last revised on ( 30-SEP-1999 )

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