HP OpenVMS Systems

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OpenVMS and Y2K?

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The Question is:

What minimum action is required to make V5,2 Y2K ready

The Answer is :

  First, please see the OpenVMS Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section
  "Y2K1.  Does OpenVMS have a problem with the year 2000?".
  If you choose to upgrade to V5.5-2, please see the OpenVMS FAQ "MGMT16.
  What are the OpenVMS version upgrade paths?" -- apply the V5.5 upgrade,
  the V5.5-2 upgrade, and then apply the following (or later) ECO kits:
  VAXY2K01_U2055, VAXSHAD09_U2055, VAXF11X06_U2055, and any other ECOs
  relevant to your particular system enviroment.
  Information on obtaining ECO kits is available in the OpenVMS FAQ.
  Regardless of the readiness or unreadiness of any particular OpenVMS
  release, you MUST test your applications and your application environment
  to try to detect and then avoid potential failures catastrophic to (and
  specific to) your local environment and application operations.

answer written or last revised on ( 30-SEP-1999 )

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