HP OpenVMS Systems

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Redirection of errors? (SYS$ERROR)

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The Question is:

How can I turn off system messages such as:
%DIRECT-W-NOFILES, no files found
SET NOON and BROADCAST don't do it.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would strongly encourage you to read through the
  OpenVMS User's Guide, and available DCL books from Digital Press.
  There are several common approaches, depending on the context.
    o Within DCL command procedures, use lexical functions such as
      f$search and not DCL commands such as DIRECTORY.
    o Use the SET MESSAGE command in conjunction with the
      f$environment lexical function keyword MESSAGE.
    o Temporarily redirect output of the command, via DEFINE/USER
      commands for SYS$OUTPUT and SYS$ERROR:
      $ define/user sys$output nla0:
      $ define/user sys$error nla0:
      $ directory/output=x.x nosuchfile
    o Use the PIPE command:
      $ pipe directory/output=x.x nosuchfile > nla0: 2> nla0:

answer written or last revised on ( 12-OCT-1999 )

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