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Setting DECterm background colors?

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The Question is:

I've just started using VAX/VMS after using
UNIX for the last 2 years and one thing is
bugging me. Is it possible to have different
DECTerms with different background colours
dependant on what node your connected too?
I've looked everywhere (FAQ's, newsgroups) but
have been unable to find the answer!

The Answer is :

  It is possible to select different attributes.  Use the
  /WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES qualifier for the CREATE/TERMINAL command to
  specify non-default attributes.
  See HELP CREATE/TERMINAL/WINDOW_ATTRIBUTES for a complete listing, but
  here is a sample command which defines background and foreground colours
  as well as the window title and icon label:
  A list of colour names can be found in SYS$MANAGER:DECW$RGB.DAT
  You can define symbols or create command procedures containing
  CREATE/TERMINAL commands to create DECterms for specific systems.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-NOV-1999 )

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