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DECwindows CDE backdrops? (xv, pbmplus)

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The Question is:

I'm interested in using a 24-bit color, 1280x1024 pixel, PC-based graphic
image (TIFF, BMP, whatever--I'm using Photoshop) as the Backdrop Image (or
Root Window Backdrop, if necessary) in OpenVMS Common Desktop Environment
(CDE), but do not understand how
 to do this.
It appears that CDE backdrops are stored as Bitmap (.bm) or Pixmap (.pm)
format in the directory sys$common:[cde$defaults.system.backdrops].  I don't
know how to convert my picture files to .bm or .pm formats.  Is there a
software program available to do
It also appears that bitmap files are 2-color images, whereas pixmap files
are 8 (?) color images.  Does this mean that I cannot use a 24-bit color
picture file as a CDE Backdrop?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
Todd Freestone

The Answer is :

  CDE covers the root window with its own backdrop.  If you wish to use
  the X Windows root window, start the Style Manager, select "Backdrop",
  and then select nobackdrop from the list, apply, and the traditional
  X Windows root window will then be visble.
  1) Convert the image in X11 pixmap format (if not already in this format).
     This conversion can be performed with tools such as xv or pbmplus.
  2) Place the resultant file in SYS$COMMON:[CDE$DEFAULTS.USER.BACKDROPS].
     (Create the directory if it does not exist.)  Note that the file MUST
     have a extension named .PM, and remember that the xv tool will default
     the X11 pixmap file extension to .XPM.
  3) Invoke the style manager and select a new backdrop. Your file will be
     placed at the end of the list.
  Alternatively, start the Style Manager, select "Backdrops" and choose
  "nobackdrop".  Then, from a DECterm, invoke the following commands:
    $ dximageview :== $cde$system_defaults:[bin]dximageview.exe
    $ dximageview "-rootMode" "tile" CDE$SYSTEM_DEFAULTS:[BACKDROPS]file.PM
  Potentially useful converters include xv and pbmplus.

answer written or last revised on ( 15-NOV-1999 )

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