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System job queue manager not running?

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The Question is:

I'm running a cluster of two AlphaServer 800 5/500 running OpenVMS V7.1-1H2 and
 UCX version 4.2 ECO 2. I would like to use the SMTP service on both nodes, but
 when trying to invoke the service either through the UCX_CONFIG tool or
 manually through the com
mandfile UCX$SMTP_STARTUP.COM, I get the following error messages..
%DCL-I-SUPERSEDE, previous value of MAIL$PROTOCOL_SMTP has been superseded
%UCX-E-STARTERROR, Error starting SMTP service
-UCX-E-QUEUE, Error processing queue UCX$SMTP_HERMES_01
-JBC-E-JOBQUEDIS, system job queue manager is not running
%UCX-E-STARTERROR, Error starting SMTP service
-UCX-E-QUEUE, Error processing queue UCX$SMTP_HERMES_00
-JBC-E-JOBQUEDIS, system job queue manager is not running
SMTP startup failed.
What's wrong here and what can I do to solve the problem??

The Answer is :

  Please, please first upgrade to TCP/IP Services V5.0A or later.
  Please also start the system queue manager.   (START/QUEUE/MANAGER
  and other DCL commands related to the queue manager that are included
  in SYSTARTUP_VMS.TEMPLATE will be of interest here.)

answer written or last revised on ( 6-JUN-2000 )

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