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PC FTP 425 connection errors?

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The Question is:

why can't I do puts ? initially thought was something connected with vms
 permissions, but can do a make directory ok. Appreciate any ideas you might

The Answer is :

  The errors imply problems building the data connection on the PC client,
  which would imply problems in the PC client IP stack.  (425 is a session
  disconnection message within FTP.)  That said, much has changed in the
  TCP/IP stack since V3.1 was available; since 1994.
  Consider enabling and using OpenVMS security auditing and checking the
  OpenVMS accounting logs here, as a start.  Also enable FTP logging and
  check the contents of UCX$FTPD.LOG; of the server FTP log.
  Your OpenVMS VAX and TCP/IP releases are both outdated, and both releases
  are no longer supported.  Your system is well below the minimum supported
  TCP/IP version for the OpenVMS VAX V6.2 release: V4.2 with the current ECO
  is the minimum.

answer written or last revised on ( 14-AUG-2002 )

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