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f$getjpi, sys$getjpi, LOGIN_FLAGS?

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The Question is:

What is the bit mapping for the LOGIN_FLAGS value returned by the F$GETJPI
 lexical function?

The Answer is :

  Please see the JPI$M bitmasks discussed in the LOGIN_FLAGS itemcode
  description of the sys$getjpi system service.
Returns a longword bit mask containing information related to the
login sequence. It returns a longword of 0 when processes have not
executed the LOGINOUT image. The following bits are defined:
JPI$M_NEW_MAIL_AT_LOGIN User had new mail messages waiting at login.
JPI$M_PASSWORD_CHANGED  User changed the primary password during login.
JPI$M_PASSWORD_EXPIRED  User's primary password expired during login.
JPI$M_PASSWORD_WARNING  System gave the user a warning at login that
  the account's primary password would expire within 5 days.
JPI$M_PASSWORD2_CHANGED  Account's secondary password was changed
  during login.
JPI$M_PASSWORD2_EXPIRED  Account's secondary password expired during login.
JPI$M_PASSWORD2_WARNING  System gave the user a warning at login that
  the account's secondary password would expire within 5 days.

answer written or last revised on ( 13-MAY-2003 )

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