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Radeon 7500 GKS Display Error?

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The Question is:

We are moving our GKS (Ver. 6.5) applications from AlphaStation 255/233 to
 AlphaServer DS10. Static GKS screens display correctly on the DS10.
 Dynamically refreshed screens do not. Specifically, one screen consists of a
 static background graphics overlaye
d with periodically (every 10 sec)refreshed dynamic graphics. Most (but not
 all) dynamic graphics appear only for a split second when the screen is
 brought to the foreground. This screen displayed correctly on the AS 255/233.
 The AS 255/233 has the PBXGB-
AA Power Storm Graphic Board. The DS10 has the Radeon 7500 Graphic Board. When
 I plugged in the PBXGB-AA  board into the DS10 our dynamic displays worked
 fine. This suggests GKS/Radeon 7500 compatibility problem. Is there a solution?
We are running OpenVMS 7.3-2 with VMS732_UPDATE-V0200 kit installed.

The Answer is :

  Please apply all available mandatory ECO kits for OpenVMS, and
  then please contact the support center for assistance.  Kindly
  do expect to be asked information on the installed ECO kits,
  and materials, application images and/or any steps relevent to
  the reproduction of this DECwindows Radeon 7500 problem.

answer written or last revised on ( 24-JUN-2004 )

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