HP OpenVMS Systems

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OMS (Management Station) Character Set Mapping?

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The Question is:

When will you fix OpenVMS Management Station so it convert text to DEC
 Multinational character instead of PC DOS character?
When you write the Swedish national character, DEC Multinational nummer 196,
 197, 214, 228, 229 and 246, OpenVMS Management Station writes the character
 number 143, 142, 153, 134, 132 and 148 to OpenVMS Authorize file.

The Answer is :

  The OpenVMS Wizard would encourage direct contact with the customer
  support center with problem reports.  The OpenVMS Wizard will pass
  this report along, but cannot particularly provide any feedback nor
  any statements of resolution or such here.

answer written or last revised on ( 6-AUG-2004 )

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