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Note N00030: Enabling Visual Studio 97 InfoViewer help on Windows XP - zxnet


Note Archive
Number: N00030
Created: 08 April 2010
Revised: 08 April 2010

Enabling Visual Studio 97 InfoViewer Help on Windows XP SP2

Windows XP SP2 seems to disable the MK Protocol. This protocol is used by Developer Studio 5 and InfoViewer 5 (maybe versions 6 too?) to access online documentation. With this protocol disabled the online documentation is inaccessable.

Access to documentation in Developer Studio and InfoViewer can be re-enabled by applying the following to the system registry:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

This will make documentation available in Developer Studio and InfoViewer work again. It is available as a nice handy registry import file - vs97help_fix.reg.

See Also