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NetWare Application Launcher v3.0: Creating Folders - zxnet


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NetWare Application Launcher v3.0: Creating Folders

Version 3 supports folders! This is a very quick look at them.

Click the New Object button in NetWare Administrator (The new 32bit version, nwadmin32)

Pick Application Folder

Give it a name and tick the additional properties box so we can have a closer look.

You can give it a description

And you can put things in it

Things put in! This had be really puzzled for a while - I put things in the root of the folder and no folder appeared! Turns out the Application Folder Object itself isn't a folder but rather a container for folders. Anything put in the root of the tree in the Application Folder will appear in the root of the tree in NAL. If you want things to actually appear in a folder you've got to put them in a folder. Additionally, folders will only show if at least one item in the foler is visible.

Now if you look at the folder tab for one of the applications that were put in the folder, the folder shows up!

Here is my folder on Windows NT! Note that the "16bit Tools" folder isn't visible because the one application in it is marked as requiring Windows 3.1.

And here are the folders on Windows 3.11! The 16bit Tools folder appears because the app in it is compatible with this computer.

This here is basically the entire reason I bothered installing the ZENworks Starter Pack. I don't need any of the policy management or workstation registration stuff. I just wanted to be able to put applications in folders!

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).