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Mailer - LAN Workplace 5.0 for DOS/Windows - zxnet


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Mailer - LAN Workplace 5.0 for DOS/Windows

This is the email client that comes with LAN WorkPlace 5. Its not Y2K compatible and no patch was released - instad by the late 90s Novell recommended people just use Netscape instead.


Mail server options. Guess I'll need a POP3 server for this - probably one with no security given the age of the mailer.

I quickly setup a mail server (hMailServer) and created an account.

The Out Box

And the In Box.

Lets get some mail!

It connected! But there was no mail.

New Message

Advanced message options


Message written, attachments attached. Lets send!

Sent? No.

Its in the outbox! Notice the date? This is the Y2K bug. You'll get a general protection fault when viewing the outbox if you've got an email dated after the year 2000 present. As the outbox opens with the app that means you won't be able to start the mailer again until you delete C:\net\hstacc\mail\outbox.*.

This is what happens when you try to send an email when you're not living in the 90s.

A General Protection Fault


A folder

Address books

An address book

New Address

Distribution Lists

New Distribution List

Send status

Receive Status


New Mail Rule


POP3/SMTP Mail Options

MHS Options

Send Options

Receive Options

Edit Options

Reply Options


The inbox showing an email! Surprisingly it didn't crash.

Viewing a received email

Its made by Novell! This seems to be the nicest of the Windows LAN WorkPlace apps actually developed by Novell. Perhaps its the app the LAN WorkPlace developers used the most. Shame about the Y2K bug.

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).