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NetWare Application Launcher v1.1 on Windows NT Workstation 4.0 - zxnet


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NetWare Application Launcher v1.1 on Windows NT Workstation 4.0

A quick look at NAL v1.1 on Windows NT. It looks and works identically on Windows 95 (same executable probably).

This is how NAL v1.1 looks out of the box on Windows NT 4.0 (with some applications I created earlier)

While playing around with it on Windows 3.1 I made some configuration changes which are all detailed on the Windows 3.11 page. The changes are:

New splash screen

So here is NAL v1.1 on NT showing some of the configuration changes I made on Windows 3.11!

New view options!

Small Icons - this option is disabled on Windows 3.1.

List - this is available on Windows 3.1 but the icons are bigger there.

Details - another option that is disabled on Windows 3.1. Interesting that it bothers showing the Class - with NAL 1.1 installed you can only create objects of class App:Application - the old NAL 1.0 classes are gone. So really all this is doing is showing applicatios that haven't been migrated to the new class type yet.


Application Propertes: Much better than on windows 3.1; no scrolling tabs!

Folders expanded! As noted on the Windows 3.1 page, it isn't possible to create folders from NetWare Administrator. The tree tree just shows which groups/OUs/etc you're getting access to applications from.

The personal folder I created on Windows 3.1 is empty! Thats because the application I added to it is only available on Windows 3.1.

Lets add an app thats available on all platforms. Not sure what that black box is about - windows 3.1 shows a nice transparent drag icon!

Here is the application in my personal folder! Changes to personal folders are only saved on exit in this version.

So I exited NAL on Windows NT and restarted it on Windows 3.1. The application I added on NT appears on 3.1!

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).