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Microsoft Client Service for NetWare on Windows NT 3.5 (in a VM) - zxnet


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Microsoft Client Service for NetWare on Windows NT 3.5

A quick tour of the Microsoft Client Service for NetWare on Windows NT Workstation 3.5.



I'm starting off with a clean install of Windows NT Workstation 3.50. Well, almost clean - I installed Michal Necaseks Windows NT Video miniport driver for Virtual Box for better performance. It is pretty much a default install otherwise.

That means we've got to go install the client as its not installed by default. Open the Network Settings control panel and click Add Software

Then select Client Serivce for NetWare from the list and click Continue.

This needs the CD of course. Put it in and click Continue.

Some files are quickly copied and you're done! There are no configuration options for the client so just click OK to close Network Settings.

Configuration happens

Then you get to reboot!

Quick Tour

And we're back! Client installed and ready to login!

No change so far. Did I forget to change something?


Pick a server. I presume we'll only be asked this once. The Novel Client does this too. I don't expect this login to succeed as there is no "david" user on VNW411.

There we go. The Novell client lets you enter a different username & password at this point. I'm clicking Yes.

Back in Windows NT but not logged into netware.

So I'm adding a local user that matches a netware account. Using the same password as the NetWare account too.

Lets try again...

Preferred server prompt again. Guess this setting is per local user.

This time I should be logged into NetWare.

A new control panel applet! CSNW...

Not a whole lot here. The Overview button just brings up help (different help from the help button)

No login scripts are run but thats ok - the proper Novell client doesn't run them either.

You can map network drives...

No special properties for files on NetWare volumes. Just liket he Novell client!

And there we go! Microsofts NetWare client. Its pretty much the same as the proper Novell one except:

Given the Novell one doesn't really add much extra functionality its perhaps not worth the extra effort on NT 3.5.

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).