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Installing NetWare Client32 v3.4c on Windows ME (in a VM) - zxnet


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Installing NetWare Client32 v3.4c on Windows ME

This page screenshots the way through installing the final released client for Windows 9x on Windows ME. While no Novell client officially supports Windows ME, version 3.4c appears to work fine. The process is identical to that of installing on Windows 98 - we've just got access to a slightly more modern browser which makes things a little easier.



To follow along you'll need a VM with:

Creating the VM and installing Windows ME are out of scope for this document as nothing special is required.


I've only got an upgrade version of Windows ME. So I'm starting off with a clean upgrade of Windows ME from a clean install of Windows 98 SE:

First up lets get the browser working. We want to setup our connection manually:

And connect through a LAN

No changes here - just click next

Don't want email - choose no and click next.


We have a browser! IE5 I think.

Go to and download 34clt95.exe

Save to disk

On the desktop is fine


Downloaded! Now download 34_srvloc.exe and 34pkc.exe as well.

We've now got the client (34clt95e), the update C patch (34pkc) and one final update (34_srvloc). Run 34clt95e to start with.

Its a self-extracting EXE. Unzip to somewhere convenient like C:\client_install.


Done! You can close this now.

And then run the installer!

Agree to the license

And choose custom. For me Typical seemed to only install IP support and my server only speaks IPX (NetWare 4.11)

According to the manual, the options here are:

I'm using NetWare 4.11 so I want IPX only (IP and IPX would be ok too). I've no idea if either IPX or IP+IPX is compatible with NetWare/IP at this stage.

Choose the option for the server version you're running

I installed Novell Workstation Manager. Not sure why. Nothing here is actually required - you can just hit next without ticking anything.

Doing installer things...

Removing any existing client

Installing the new client

And eventually a prompt! I hit yes to set some properties

And I set my preferred tree and first network drive to something sensible then hit OK.

More installing...

Installation complete, time to reboot


A splash screen! And in more than 16 colours! Windows ME seems to support the VirtualBox video card better than 98

The login screen

Advanced Options

The Tree button lets you pick which tree

And the Servers button lets you pick which server

Login script options

Login script variables

Login script runs...

Windows needs my password again so a local account can be created for the netware one.


Client Patches

Now for those client patches! Create a new folder and move 34pkc from the desktop into it.

Run 34pkc. Type y and hit enter.

And a bunch of files are extracted (this is why we created a new folder)

Right-click on _34pkc and choose install. Some files will be quickly copied. Once thats done, reboot the computer/VM.


Then do the same for 34_srvloc: create a folder, move 34_srvloc into the folder, run it, type y and press enter, right click on _34_srvloc and choose install.

Then this comes up. Its a bug in _34_srvloc.ini I think. Just hit OK and it will be fine. Once its finished copying reboot again.


All done and patches deleted from the desktop! You can also trash the C:\client_install folder.

More Screenshots

For a whole lot more screenshots of the world beyond the login screen, see the Windows 95 version of this guide. The Windows Me version looks identical (its the exact same client).

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).