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Installing the ZENworks Starter Pack v2.0 - zxnet


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Installing the ZENworks Starter Pack v2.0

This page covers installing the ZENworks Starter Pack v2.0. This should be the latest version available (January 200) and was included with NetWare 5.1 but it does support NetWare 4.x.


Firstly login to a Windows NT or 9x workstation as the Admin user. The workstation must have a recent client installed (probably v4.7+ for NT or 3.1+ for 9x).

Download ZSPENU.EXE onto the workstation.

Run ZSPENU.EXE and you'll get a WinZip Self-Extractor (how odd - novell usually uses console based ARJ self extractors). The default destination (C:\TEMP) should be fine.

Open C:\TEMP\Novell\ZENWORKS\English and run setup.exe

An installshield wizard!

Apparently you need to close all programs running from SYS:\PUBLIC. Click Next.

Click Yes.

Click OK.

As usual I'm going to go with Custom because I don't know what inappropriate choices the other options are going to make for me.

These settings are good - Click Next. The Copy Clients To Network option probably won't work as ZSPENU.EXE doesn't contain the client install files. To do that you probably need to track down a copy of the January 2000 Clients CD or similar vintage.

I don't know that any of these are actually optional for the first install (you can probably uncheck some if you've already gone through this once and just recently added another NetWare 4 server to your network and just want to copy the zenworks files to it). Click next.

Pick the NDS tree to install into (ZENworks makes NDS schema changes)

Select the servers to copy files to and click Next.

Click next.

Click next to start installing! Given the overwriting of files in SYS:\PUBLIC and the NDS schema changes this probably isn't something you can uninstall later.

Copying files... This takes a little while.

Doing NDS schema things...

Clicking OK will grant rights to all users in the specified container (and below if the checkbox is checked) so they can register their workstation in NDS. Just click OK.

Permissions changes done instantly! Probably because I've only got three users - I imagine it might have taken a moment back in 2000 on a large network with thousands of users. Click OK.

All done! Uncheck the boxes if you like then click Finish.

Then this thing comes up. Just click the little door button in the bottom right corner to get rid of it.


Back here again! You can trash that stuff out of C:\temp now if you like. The installation of ZENworks Starter Pack 2.0 is complete.

More Screenshots

Over in SYS:\PUBLIC\Win32 there are some new Win32 things!

New NetWare Administrator!

Doesn't look much different though.

There is a bunch of ZENworks stuff in the Tools menu

It added a few apps too! (NWADMIN32- ZEN 2, SnapShot, WReg16, WReg32)

NAL has application folders now!

And some workstation things

New version of NAL

I ran the ZENworks Workstation Registration Agent. Nothing much obvious happened.

ZENworks Policy Wizard

Lets create a policy!

Policy options..

Looks like you can do stuff like configure things to be run

And configure the NetWare client

Choose where to put the policy I guess


Policy Package settings: Policies tab

Associations tab

Identification tab

Workstation Registration

I've run wsreg a few times but it didn't do anything. Lets try... Import Workstations!

Didn't work: Looks like a policy package is required. Lets run the Policy wizard again and try to create one.

That time it worked - for the NT workstations at least. Another policy is required for Windows 3.1 apparently.


A workstation!

Well, I'm not really sure what the workstation stuff is for and don't really have any use for the policy stuff. The NetWare Application Launcher is what I really installed the ZENworks Starter Pack for.

For a look at NAL v3.0, my reason for installing the ZENworks Starter Pack, see the Novell Application Launcher page or click one of these links:

Disclaimer & Comments

I'm not a netware expert, don't have any of those fancy novell certifications and have never administred a netware network; I've just played with it at home occasionally since 2004 or so. Email me if you've got any suggestsions or corrections for this page or any extra information you think is worth including here. My address is david at this websites domain name (without the www bit of course).